Why will video work for my business?
I create all different sorts of video content for my clients, but every week I still meet business owners who seem wary of using video. Perhaps it's fear of the unknown? They assume it's too expensive? They're uncomfortable appearing in front of the camera? They don't know where to start? It's just all too much hassle?
Today, it’s essential for businesses to use video marketing – if they don't, they are simply missing out on the benefits. What’s more, they’re at a disadvantage to their video-embracing competitors.
"Yes, yes, of course you're going to say this," I hear you cry, “you’re just trying to promote your services!"
Maybe... but here are my top 5 reasons why you should seriously consider using video.
1. Video is easy
Today, a potential client is more likely to watch a video than read through stacks and stacks of text on a website. It's simple, visual, engaging, less taxing and they can do it from the comfort of their sofa or at their desk.
2. Video is wide reaching
Google loves videos, and usually pops them up at the top of a search. YouTube has one billion visitors each month - 20 million people in the UK each week. One in three people in the UK will watch at least one online video per week - and once watched, viewers love to share!
3. Video is accessible
Video can be watched over many, many different platforms! Your website, YouTube, Vimeo, Twitter, Vine, Facebook and Instagram, to name just a few - and your video can be promoted across all of them. Potential clients can see it on their computers, laptops, tablets and smartphones, 24 hours a day.
4. Longevity
Once a video has been produced it can be on the web forever, if you wish, unlike a newspaper advert that will end up in the recycling bin. It can reap rewards over and over again, so it's very cost-effective.
5. Video helps build relationships
I'll leave you with my favourite reason, which is what I enjoy most about creating video. It helps build relationships between you and your potential client or customer. It's personal: with a profile video you can engage with a human face and voice, building trust and gaining a wealth of information through the senses that you can't achieve with text alone. Body language, tone of voice, expressions and emotions are all incredibly powerful and appealing.
Feel free to contact me if you'd like to create your own business video. In the meantime, here are three of many profile videos that I've created for small businesses.